Finding the right insurance at a price you can afford is tough but can be helped with an insurance agent. There are two different types of insurance agents you should know about before choosing one that is right for you.
A captive agent works with a single insurance carrier and offer only products and coverage by this company. A captive agent prioritizes business for this company and because of this is paid by the insurance company and provided with benefits along with an office.
An independent agent works with more than one insurance company and can allow for more options and savings. These agents get commission from selling policies and have a lot more freedom than a captive agent. An independent agent does the work for their clients and searches through many companies to find the right coverage and price.
Robert J. Los Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency that has the knowledge and work ethic to give you the excellent customer service you deserve. Representing multiple insurance companies allows us to find the best insurance coverage for your unique situation. Contact us today for more information.
Robert J. Los Insurance Agency
Address: 4167 Legion Drive,
Hamburg, NY 14075
Phone: (716) 648-6100
Toll Free: (800) 747-0780
Fax: (716) 648-6104
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
We Look Forward to Serving You!