Going Green At The Office
Going green is something that you should not only consider at your house. You should also look for ways that you can be a little more environmentally friendly at your work. Keep these green office trends in mind that will help your office limit their environmental impact.

- Print less – most likely, everyone in your office can help to cut down on the amount of paper that you use each day by simply emailing more instead of printing out papers. If you find yourself printing more paper to try and give your eyes a break from your screen, consider matte screens that will reflect less light.
- Cut down your commute – if you can, change the way that you get to work. If you live close enough, consider walking or biking to the office, which can also act as your morning exercise. Commute with coworkers who live in the same area so that you are only using one car to get to work and can take advantage of the carpool lane.
- Buy a plant – an office plant will help to spruce up your desk while also purifying the air. Plants work to absorb organic compounds and carbon dioxide, as well as being psychologically restorative.
- Adjust your computer – when your computer is lit up bright when you are not using it, it is wasting tons of energy. Set your computer to go to “sleep” after five minutes to help save power. Also, make sure that you always shut your computer down at the end of the day, and especially on Friday afternoon.
For all of your commercial insurance needs for your energy efficient company, contact the insurance professionals at Robert J. Los Insurance Agency in Hamburg, New York. We will work with you to make sure that you have the protection you deserve, all at the right price to fit your budget.
Robert J. Los Insurance Agency
Address: 4167 Legion Drive,
Hamburg, NY 14075
Phone: (716) 648-6100
Toll Free: (800) 747-0780
Fax: (716) 648-6104
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
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