Try out these tips to make your gas last longer.
Do you feel like you are spending too much money on gas? While higher gas prices might be contributing to this, it’s more likely that you’re just wasting gas with inefficient driving practices. Want to drive more fuel efficiently? Then try out these suggestions.
Plan Your Routes
One way you can save gas is by planning your driving routes ahead of time. Even if you’re just driving locally, planning the most fuel-efficient routes ahead of time can help you cut down on your fuel consumption considerably. Keep in mind that the shortest routes aren’t necessarily the most fuel-efficient ones. Oftentimes, longer routes that avoid areas of heavy traffic will save you more gas in the long run.
Watch Your Tire Pressure
Not only are under-inflated tires dangerous but they force your engine to work harder, causing you to use more gas. This is why you should closely monitor your tire pressure levels and make sure that your tires are inflated to a proper level. By watching your tire pressure, you can increase your car’s fuel efficiency by approximately 3%.
Avoid Speeding
Speeding is something you should avoid from both a safety and a fuel efficiency standpoint. When you maintain a constant speed, you avoid unnecessary gear changes that cause you to burn excess fuel. So, abiding by the speed limit can help you stay safe and reduce your fuel consumption.
Try out these suggestions to help you reduce your fuel consumption. Want another way to save? Then make sure you have the right auto insurance to meet your needs and your budget. Contact the professionals at Robert J. Los Insurance Agency in Hamburg, New York for assistance with all your coverage needs.
Robert J. Los Insurance Agency
Address: 4167 Legion Drive,
Hamburg, NY 14075
Phone: (716) 648-6100
Toll Free: (800) 747-0780
Fax: (716) 648-6104
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
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