Meet Our Staff
Robert J Los started the agency in 1975 out of his home. The business grew quickly, giving Robert the opportunity to move the business to its current location in Hamburg, NY. Over the next few years, Robert's wife, brother, and daughter came on board, truly making this a family business. Since 1975, the business has grown into a full-service independent insurance agency with a multitude of top-rated companies.
The agency started out as mostly personal lines, writing auto and home insurance. As the agency grew over the years and acquired more companies, commercial lines became a large part of the business—many of these companies we still represent today.
As technology has advanced, our office has quickly learned to adapt and make changes to help ensure that our customer's experience is well-organized and efficient.
With three generations of family, we will continue to bring new ideas, knowledge, and new markets to the business while keeping our core values at hand. We believe that with the experience of the original owners and the great work ethic of the current staff, we will continue to grow and be successful. You can be assured that we will welcome YOU into OUR family with the quality of service that you can expect and deserve!

Robert Los

Marie Los

Candace Smolinski – CISR